Thursday, April 1, 2010

April is National Autism Awareness Month

Dedicated to my son Joshua with Aspergers Syndrome.

Written by Pam Gifford, Assistant to Kimberly Gribbin and mother of 2 with Asperger Syndrome.

Joshua, Jonathan, Amy and all persons affected by Autism---we LOVE you exactly as God made you------We are blessed to have you in our lives!

So you think your child is Autistic!

So you think your child is Autistic!
Ok, Lets be realistic.

You say, he explodes over little things
Gets lost in thought and hums and sings.

You say he gets distracted, even from a simple chore
The future is looking like a closed door.

You say, sometimes he won't leave his room
He shuts down and goes into a cocoon

New Issues raise their heads every day
Other children don't want to play

He is hyper, a picky eater and misses every joke
Pulls at his hair and at his skin he will poke

Collects lint and by load noises he is affected
As a parent you feel at fault, overwhelmed and rejected

New friends are few and far between
Small improvements are hard to be seen

So you think your child is Autistic
So, Lets be realistic.

If this child sounds like yours
Acceptance can open many doors.

I recognize too well these signs
It can drive parents out of their minds.

Always love him, that comes first
Even when your heart could burst

Experts in Autism, parents must become
Little geniuses, these children are not dumb

Ignorance and bullying cannot be accepted
All children must be respected

Parents Groups can lend a sympathetic ear
They understand what you hold dear

To ask why?, It is a waste of time
No answer could satisfy your mind.

Education is the key to success
for this gift you were blessed

You need to learn about their problems
Training and knowledge can help you solve them.

I hope comfort in these words you find
And it helps relieve your troubled mind.

By Pamela M. Gifford Mother of two Asperger Children